Looking to start online organic chemistry tutoring?

Awesome! I am so glad you decided to stop by!

And If you are ready,  simply go straight to the Getting Started page and sign up!

How are you different from other tutors?

This is a great question!

The students and I like to make sure that we are having fun while working though OChem. You can find more by looking at the ABOUT section.

My goal is to make organic chemistry simple and easy for everyone. OChem does not need to be difficult. And I will show you how simple it can be for you!

What are your hours?

I provide online tutoring 7 days a week. You can either catch me online through Skype or set up an appointment via email.

How can I reach you?

There are two main ways to contact me:

  • Email: organicchemistoncall@yahoo.com
  • Skype Name: organicchemistoncall

One last thing…

Don’t waste another minute worrying whether you are going to pass your organic chemistry class. And stop wondering if OChem is going to keep you from graduating.

Let’s work together to eliminate these fears and start working towards acing your class!