Teaching Organic Chemistry – Why I love it!

Teaching Organic Chemistry

I wanted to create a post that would let you all know why I enjoy teaching organic chemistry.

Organic chemistry is one of those things that just made sense to me the first time I saw it. I had to work at it, but something about it just clicked.

Since I began teaching, I have enjoyed learning as much as I can from you all about how you see the subject. From this, I am constantly attempting to refine my skills to make the subject matter more and more ‘user friendly.’

I see you all from the same point of view

Every time I sit down with a student, my thoughts about each one are the same; they know organic chemistry just as well as I do…it is just that they think they don’t. From here, I start my session.

My sessions hinge on establishing the underlying patterns within the subject matter and how to quickly identify them. The students and I have discovered that this seems to help them see the simplicity of the subject.

Most realize that they were making it MUCH harder than it really is.

Why you might ask?…because most students already have an idea of what the class will be like (without having taken it!). These ideas characteristically come from others who have told them about their experiences. Typically after only one session, the students begin to get it.

I want you to discover that you already have the potential within yourself to succeed, and I am honored that you have chosen me to take this journey with you.

I look forward to seeing you online and helping you succeed!

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